Aaaaaahhhh..... we've been here a WEEK already! How time flies, when you're having fun! I think we are finally getting used to the heat - daily highs of around +38C, and nightly lows of about +25C... I was a little concerned at first, when there was only a sheet on our bed and no blankets... but now I understand why!! Jackets are completely unnecessary here, I haven't even had to break out a long sleeved shirt (except to cover up from the baking sun). It is amazing! We've been kiting every day, all day, and finally I even got up and rode yesterday, in spite of the large waves and variable windspeeds. It is fairly remote, but it is a truly fantastic place. We see parrots flying around, mantas and other fish jumping out of the water, gekkos, toads, scorpions, and a plethora of other insects and small animals. Very cool! Plus the people are great - we have met several travellers from all over the world. Thursday we are going to go to Lake Arenal to see Volcan Arenal. Hopefully we'll be able to stay at the observatory right on the volcano, if there are any rooms available. Then the plan is to travel for a few days around that area and head back to Liberia late on Saturday, then fly out on Sunday. We are having a stellar vacation! Too bad we didn't have more time; this country is amazing and we are barely seeing a quarter of it. Oh well.... next time!!! Cheers!