It could be happening people.... summer just might be on its way, for real! And if not, well Mother Nature faked it pretty darn good yesterday. I spent the weekend in Canmore and had a fabulous day in the back country....
Jean, Tiina, yours truly, and Leslie....
What a great day with a great group of ladies! |
Snowshoes, or spikes? That is the question... |
Basking in the never-ending sunshine! |
How's THAT for a view! Welcome to Sherbrooke Lake. |
Highly recommended lunch spot. |
It's a good day to be me! *SIGH* |
We had 360 degree vistas! |
How does a girl NOT smile on a day like this! |
I've been to Sherbrooke Lake a couple of times, but not in the winter.... so this was like a completely new adventure for me. At the parking lot we debated wearing snowshoes, but we decided to chance the trail just with spikes. And in the end, aside from the odd post-hole when someone ended up thigh-deep in the snow (that would be ME!), leaving the cumbersome snowshoes behind was the right choice.
Our arrival at the lake was precisely lunchtime, and as we lounged in the glorious high-noon sunshine, we were treated to quite a show - avalanche after avalanche came ripping off the side of Mount Ogden. An hour or so drifted by, and with satisfied bellies and eyes, we packed up and descended back to the car. It was such a lovely way to spend the day! And in general it was fabulous as always to be outside, in the mountains. Doing so with some new friends made it that much better!