Two goggle tans, four semi-trashed skiis, and one crushed thumb.... 72 hours in the mountains yielded very different results than the last 72 hours that I spent away from home! Hee hee!
This weekend, Chris and I got in our first couple of ski days of the season, enjoying far better than expected conditions at Sunshine. The snow was lovely and the temperatures were on our side. A small mishap sidetracked us (and by us, I mean Chris!) for a short time on Sunday morning, but it was nothing that a bag of ice, a few beers and some Trappers' nachos couldn't fix.
Two beauty days of THIS! |
Getting ready to take the next picture.... |
 | the top of my fave run..... |
Tee Pee Chutes! Yeeee-haw! |
Somebody followed me into a closed, rocky area,
and he wiped out and didn't fare so well.....
The Medics called it 'skiers thumb'. LOL! |
After a break (which may have included a beer or two!),
everything was thumbs up - haha! |
Rosy cheeks at the end of a stellar two days! |
We had so many laughs - ask Chris to tell you about waiting in the lift line at Strawberry Chair - and were pleasantly surprised by the snow that has accumulated at the hill thus far. There were of course, lots of darn rocks, but hey, it is only November, and both of us can't wait to get back out! Here's hoping Mother Nature cooperates, and dumps a ton of the beautiful white stuff where we want it the most!!