Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Another Year Gone By!

Aaaaaaaaand...... 2015 is almost over. Egad!! Where has yet another year gone?? December came and went in the blink of an eye, and now it's two days until New Year's Eve. Yikes.

I had a most fantastic Christmas with the parents - it was great to visit with them and with a few other close friends over the holidays.

Elmo and Dunkster..... The two most awesome
people on the planet! Love you guys!!

Who's Mom had freshly-baked shortbread
waiting when I arrived? Mine did! Yeah baby!

Yum! Thanks Elinor!!

Love my Momma!

Toni's bro was a gracious host on Christmas Eve... it was almost a Vegas reunion! Minus the Christmas sweater that is....

One of the highlights of the holiday break, for me anyhow, was going to see the Zoolights in Calgary. We zipped down there on Monday evening, and I was seriously wowed. The display was colorful and intricate, and with the heavily overcast night sky, it was darn near magical really! I thought it was beautiful and it was well worth the trip.

Had to dress warm!

The T-Rex was my fave!

I was hoping to have this week off, but the nature of the beast where I'm employed has not lent itself to vacation time for me. Oh well - I'll bank the hours for some fun in the New Year - I've got big plans! Woot!

This last post of 2015 comes with best wishes to everyone out there for an incredibly happy MMXVI. I love you all!



Check out this beauty pic.... I got a phone call today that mine was the winning bid in a silent auction for Ducks Unlimited..... I am so stoked! I'll be getting a gallery-framed version (3'x2' or so in size) of it delivered in about three weeks - can't wait!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice polar bear pic you won ,,very great ....nice to have you here after xmas,,,,always nice to have you here..no matter how long,,you went home just in time to miss all the poor road conditions,,cheerio for now love ya lots ,,,dunkster....