Saturday, January 7, 2017

The New Year is Here!

The first week of the new year has been super fun! Chris and I have both been on the verge of our annual colds, however we are mostly managing to suck it up and enjoy some socializing. The holidays were awesome, and a short, quiet week back at work was capped off by even more festivities!

Good times with the girlies!

We were treated to a chinook arch over a pink morning sky
while we drove Kristen to the airport.
Some friends joined us last Friday for Fight Night - we watched UFC 207 and consumed just a few sociables. Then we had a visitor for the weekend.... Here's Miss Kitty.... what a cutie!

What started out as 'running over to the
neighbors for a quick drink' ended at 5am....

Aaaannnd..... Back to work at this cool plant!

Last night was a birthday blast for another friend, and the evening included a limo ride, the Lock Down Rooms (you NEED to try this!), and yes, glow bowling....

The birthday girl rides in style!

Okay... so we ALMOST had it...

The birthday girl kicked our butts!
I'll go back just for the shoes! LOL!

2017 is definitely kicking off on a positive note, and I'm certain that this is all setting the tone for what is to come - laughs and love and all-around happiness! Yeah!

Happy New Year!


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