Monday, July 15, 2019

I want to ride my bicycle....

The past two weeks were NOT spent at work.... WOOT! And it was fantastic! Lucky me was in Canmore for a few days of pedaling around on the trails in the fresh mountain air, and then I took a class at Red Deer College where I torched and cut and twisted and welded and grinded scrap metal until my arms ached.

The carnage! I tangled with some rocks....

The outside time was much needed, and it was a good recharge for me prior to my Summer Series course called The Art of Welding Metal. Eleven of us hunkered down for an intense week of learning various skills and practicing everything from MIG welding to plasma cutting to oxy-acetylene torch heating to brazing. Totally fabulous! I am signing up for it again next year for sure, and my brain is already churning with project ideas.

This is how it all began....

Fabrication #1 - My Phat Boy Metalcycle

Fabrication #2 - Recycled Bouquet

Fabrication #3 - Square Peg in a Round Hole
(not that original, I know, I know!)

Fabrication #5 - Wine With Everything

I actually made this wine holder first (fabrication #4)
but I did not like it.

And, this might be my favorite.... for obvious reasons!
Fabrication #6 - I Heart the Rockies

Most of the gang - left to right:
Jan, Trent, Me, Jodi, Janice, Randy (hiding), Teena, Suzanne, Susan
Missing: Donna, Gordon, Doug

I met some truly talented people, and our instructor Trent Leach was just awesome!

It was hard to shift back into work mode today, I'm not gonna lie.... but it is only necessary for about 7 out of the next 28 days.... so I think I can suck it up! Yeah!


Groovy clouds over Red Deer
this weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

neat creations from your welding project ALL VERY UNIQUE ,,,,,,love ya lots,,,,,dunkster,,,,,,,