Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Welcome to Summer in Alberta!

Okay it's not really summer, not according to the calendar that is.... But, exactly one week after the bitter cold winter temps we suffered through, the thermometer rocketed upwards by a whopping 45 degrees C...

Monday January 20th

How does this happen?? Incredible. At any rate, I am not complaining, as it is nice to be able to go outside again without the risk of instant frostbite. Speaking of going outside, we checked out the Ice Castles in Edmonton a few days ago - what an awesome attraction! Over 25,000 tons of ice, formed in individual stalactites and fused together (only using water), has resulted in this amazing frozen creation. If you get a chance to visit it, I highly recommend it!

With the weather taking such a turn for the better, I am stoked about partaking in some outdoor activities this upcoming weekend. A day of winter hiking and a day of snowshoeing are on the agenda - woot!

Get out and enjoy it while it lasts people!


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