Whew! Talk about an action-packed set of days off! Nitinat Lake is a beautiful, beautiful place, and apparently we lucked out bigtime with the weather, too... it was six days of sun and fun! Todd had a blast in the amazing winds (including a couple of minor kite adventures, of course - it wouldn't be a kiting holiday without those!) and I stayed onshore, taking pix, meeting people, and launching and landing kites. It was fantastic! There was music and a beach bonfire every night, and the fire-dancers provided stellar entertainment. Sheldon and Renee DeCosse came out from Cranbrook (http://www.decossecustoms.com/), the gang in the bus from Edmonton was there (Randy, Randy, Cedar, Dominic, Chris), plus we made several new friends and had an all-around good time. We were even able to catch up with our buddy Murf who now lives in Victoria.
Anyway, presently we're waiting for the plane to take us back to reality... **SIGH** However, I still have another week off before heading back to work, so it's really not that bad!!