After a most FANTASTIC Tom Petty concert in Edmonton Tuesday night, Todd and I pretty much drove to Red Deer, picked up our luggage, and headed to Calgary Airport to catch our flight to Victoria. We arrived out at Nitinat Lake around 1:00pm yesterday, to a clear blue sky and 25km/hr winds. I had prepared myself for some gnarly roads to get us here - all reports we read warned of hideous travel for the last 50km - however, aside from a few potholes and a minor lack of signage, it was quite alright. Todd was able to kite for a good five hours, and I puttered around with my camera, taking pix and meeting some awesome people. The launch site is rocky, narrow and sketchy; note the massive roots on the beach and the proximity of the large trees! Already I watched a fellow and his kite get yanked right into one of the hungry pines, and then another newbie crashed his rig repeatedly into the crowd and took out someone flying near shore. It is extremely congested with competent riders and not so competent riders... so I don't know if I'll give it a go, or not. After my Costa Rica beach drag (ask me about it sometime, if you don't already know), my hands sweat just thinking about it!! I'm quite happy visiting and snapping photos to tell you the truth. There is no cell service out here, but they do have an internet cafe. We're only here for six days but I'll post when I can.
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