These last couple of weeks I have spent most of my time at work. D'OH!! But that's okay, for two reasons: ONE) The weather is definitely changing... fall feels like it is in the air, and we are approaching the time of year where it is getting harder and harder to find stuff to do outside... and TWO) We are leaving for Australia in a month, for a month... so I am grateful for the extra work shifts, both for the $$$ and for the additional days off I am accumulating...
Yesterday, Todd and I took advantage of the sun and decent temperature, and we zipped up to Boom Lake. This was the perfect outing, because I just came off nightshifts and was TIRED, and also because I have some stupid leather boots that I have been having trouble breaking in. The trail to the lake is a flat, easy 5km... however I must say it felt like FIFTY because my feet hurt so darn much!! Good thing for duct tape!! The nice scenery and great company was a welcome distraction for sure, and the lake is definitely beautiful - it was more than worth the minimal effort!!
Today it is a bit more blustery (did I mention that fall feels like it's in the air??), so I'm not sure what we'll get up to. Maybe something simple like a ride up the Banff Gondola and a traverse of Sulphur Mountain... that's my idea, anyhow... just need to convince my partner... We have some errands to run in Banff, so I thought it would fit in with our day perfectly.
Tomorrow at some point, it is back to Red Deer... for the usual weekend dayshifts and some OT on my two weeks off. I should make it back to Canmore sometime next week though, and if I'm lucky, get outside a few more times!!
Boom Lake
Time (car to car): 1-3/4 hrs
Distance: 10.2 km
Elevation Gain: 175m