Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Powder alert??

Today I received (via email - I'm a subscriber) the season's first snow report. Huh?? I know. I could hardly believe it. And it wasn't just a typical 'snow report'..... it was a full-on POWDER ALERT! Sunshine Village received 17cm of snow last night!

Anyway, as excited as I am about getting out on the sticks, I don't know if I'm ready to put away the hiking boots just yet. This last week - prior to all the white stuff - I had some great days outside. I finally made it up to Bow Hut, and I also got to visit Rockbound Lake.

Bow Hut


Rockbound Lake

In true Alberta fashion, the grey skies are forecasted to be replaced with sun, sun, sun, starting tomorrow. So I'm crossing my fingers that over the next few weeks I'll get in just a little bit more mountain time. On nice green terra firma that is, not on the snow!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm,,you might still get some nice hiking weather next week,,,not very nice right now,,,neat group of Inukchuks in a group,,,cheerio for now,love ya lots,,,dunkster,,,,,,