Saturday, June 13, 2015

Sista is in the house!

What a most excellent weekend!! My baby sister Heather came for a visit, and we had a fabulous time in the mountains. It wasn't long enough - it never is - but I'm grateful for the few awesome days I got to spend with her!

Toni and Chris joined us as we enjoyed the relatively mellow stroll up to Helen Lake....

The creek was moderately higher on the way out....

The feet got a little wet, as there was no other place to cross!

We're all still smiling!

What a perfect day!

Day two was a little more involved.... Sheila and Jody were our hiking partners as we bushwhacked our way up to Old Baldy Ridge. The reward was worth every ounce of effort though, let me tell you!

Flood damage is still very evident throughout Kananaskis.

The trail was non-existent in many places.

The odd snowpatch was very refreshing, since temps were
around 30 degrees C!

All of a sudden the trail opened up into this beautiful cirque.

Cool little tarn in the cirque.

The steep climb up to the ridge just about baked us!

Pretty happy to be on flat ground!

The views were non-stop!

Nap time....

We must have spent at least an hour on the ridge - it is wide and open and the 360 degree panorama is one of the best I've yet to see!

After an 8+ hour day in the heat, we bee-lined for the Delta Kananaskis and enjoyed appies and cold, cold beer..... Mmmmmm..... It was the perfect way to end another perfect mountain day!

Can't wait for your next visit Heather! Love you!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so glad you had such a great two days....and the weather was so nice . Can't believe we raised a couple of mountain goats hee hee love you all momma