Monday, July 4, 2016

Summer is officially here!

Not much can top spending a summer long weekend at the lake, and the Canada Day long weekend was no exception. Chris and I rolled out to the Shuswap on Thursday to join his parents and four nephews for some fantastic lake time.

Early morning in the Rockies - what a treat!

On the lake! Yippeeee!

Cabin fulla kids! Fun!

The neighbor's garden is incredibly gorgeous as ever!

Headed to the fireworks.

Tons of boats in the bay - ready for the light show!

Happy Canada Day!

Afternoon cruise in the little fishing boat.

See you again in a few weeks!

As per usual, time went by way too fast. Tubing and wakeboarding, watching the amazing fireworks, laughs around the campfire, combined with a bit of cabin maintenance.... before you know it, Monday showed up and it was time to go. But that's okay - this week's a short work week, and we've got three out of the next six weeks booked off, so I really can't complain. Summer is here! Yeah!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures especially the fireworks ones,,,looks like the weekend was sunny,,,yes time flies when you are having,,,,,BUT the summer has just begun...cheerio for now,,,love ya lots ,,,dunkster