Sunday, July 10, 2016

* X C I I I *

XCIII is the Roman numeral way to write ninety-three. And that's how many years our planet has been graced with this lovely lady.....

Happy 93rd Birthday Irene!

Chris's sister and a few of his aunts and uncles stopped in this afternoon, and we celebrated Grandma Irene's birthday. Excellent company along with some cold drinks and a half-decent lunch (haha I'm making fun of it because I cooked it!) made for a really great visit.

I tell you, the woman is amazing - she is spunky and sharp and recently renewed her driver's license! Plus good luck on winning when playing cribbage with her...

So here's to Irene, and to many more trips around the sun!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW.!! still driving that is amazing looks like a great time was enjoyedby all,,cheerio for now,,,love ya lots ...dunkster,,,,