Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Awesome August

The second half of the summer has whizzed by, but if I remember correctly, it was fantastic!

I spectated at the crazy Spartan race in Calgary, squeezed in a bit more hiking out in David Thompson Country, and had some lake time in good ol' Montana. And if all goes well, the fun and games may continue for a few more weeks yet!

Hard core!

Not sure if this is my kinda fun.... eeek!

Lots of smoke in the Siffleur Falls area.

Love the incredible canyons and the color of the water!

Found this relic, and left it, as instructed on the tag. Huh??

Might be exceeding the maximum capacity??
I waited until they were off the foot bridge before I crossed!

Believe it or not, I am going to brave the upcoming long weekend in Canmore.... oy.... wish me luck - it has been ages since I've subjected myself to such chaos! But it will be well worth it, as my long lost friend Sheila is joining me on a ridge hike - yippee! And Toni will be making her way out for some sort of slogging adventure as well.

I can't wait!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Cheryle...interesting pictures. Are any of them from Montana? I have never been to whitefish, or that area and was hoping you had some pictures.
Enjoy your long weekend....and remember we love you. momma