Saturday, May 12, 2018

The Days of May

The days of May.... are flying by.... representative of this crazy life I lead! One of the said days just happened to be my birthday. That's right. Cinco de Mayo has come and gone, yet again. *SIGH*

Truth be known, I'm relatively indifferent about getting older. There is absolutely (plug your ears kids!) F*CK ALL that I can do about it, so I'm embracing it. And I am determined to have the year of my life!

The month started off with a Social Club function that I attended with my friend and co-worker Bev....

Mixology was on the agenda, and we learned to shake-shake-shake a few delicious summer drinks. Yum!

Next up.... my good friend Vida was in town, and as coincidence would have it, she celebrates her birthday within a few days of mine... so this year I was fortunate enough to share in the 'feliz cumpleanos' festivities with her....

And, as per her usual considerate, thoughtful, lovely self, later in the weekend I received a bag full of lovely goodies from my bestie Lisa.....

Needless to say, I had an exceptional birthday / birthday weekend / birthday week! Everybody should be so lucky......

This weekend I am in Canmore, my truly happy place, and I'm looking forward to having lunch on top of Miner's Peak tomorrow - supposed to be +24C! Wow. I need a recharge, in a really big way, and I know that a slow and steady grind, surrounded by snow-dusted peaks, which ends in a familiar yet monumental vista, is just what the doctor would order. :)


This.... is forty-nine.....


Anonymous said...

hey beautiful one on your glad you had a time out with your friends . and a nice weekend in the mountains....yes this year will be new and exciting for you as you make it your best.
love love you...momma

Anonymous said...

glad May is turnimg out to be a GOOD MONTH FOR YOU,,,You still have some great friends who always appear at the right tmes,,,,have a great long weekend ya lots ,,dunkster,,,,