The weather has been really hit-and-miss here in Canmore, so on a whim, I called up Skoki Lodge on Monday to see what the chances were of staying there one night this week. Well how's my luck when the lady said they did indeed have a cancellation - Tuesday night was available! Yeah! Since Todd is still nursing his shoulder and climbing is out of the picture at the moment (read: I am dragging him hiking with me every chance I can!), we put together super-light daypacks and headed out Tuesday morning to catch the shuttle.

We stopped at Deception Pass and made a scrambling attempt on Fossil Mountain... but recent snowfall made for wet, slippery scree and we encountered a snow gulley about two-thirds of the way up that I was not comfortable crossing... so we came back down and continued on to the lodge.

Then we sat around and had a couple of beers before the incredible dinner, and we met and visited with some of the other folks who were enjoying this backcountry bliss. Yesterday morning we got up and filled our bellies with an unbelievably yummy breakfast, then packed up some lunch and headed out on the return trip. Instead of travelling back the way we came in, we went east over Jones Pass and Cotton Grass Pass and came around to Baker Lake.

In total, we covered roughly 36km and gained/lost 1500m of elevation in about 12 hours of liesurely hiking over the two days. And we didn't even get rained on - not significantly, anyway! It was fantastic!!
wOW !, WHO WOULD EVER THINK THERE WAS SUCH GORGEOUS SCENERY ,BACK IN THE MOUNTAIN RANGE,,HOW DO YOU FIND THESE EXCURSIONS,?your pictures are fabulous and one of a kind !what a way to spend 2 days off,,,,cheerio,,,dunkster,,,
open i d would not take Tried to comment on todd's blog ,but would not take,,I was wondering ,was that a SASKQUATCH, wading in the lake ?? never know what you will see in the BACK COUNTRY !! ,,, dunkster,,,
Ha ha!! Saskquatch - that's funny!! Well his feet are almost as big, that's for sure.
thanks for blocking out that embar-ass-ing photo! LOL
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