Okay so maybe this post should be titled just "Trains".... with the odd peddle bike thrown in for good measure!
Last week, I bought myself a shiny new bicycle. Admittedly, I was due - my previous bike had rolled many, many miles, and seeing as how I purchased it in mid-1998, it truly had earned a relic status. And since I do quite like peddling, and since I have a place in the mountains, I figured it was time to take the plunge and get myself an actual mountain bike!
My sweet ride is on the left. And yes, the
bikes are in my living room.... LOL! |
My new set of wheels is a Rocky Mountain Soul 29 - red, of course - and so far I love it! On Saturday, we rode the Legacy Trail from Banff to Canmore and back. Approximately 53km of loveliness is what it was!
We were the 245th and 246th people to use the trail on Saturday! |
Lunch and beers before the peddle home.... |
Great way to spend an afternoon! |
Now for the "Trains" part.... Ever since I heard about it years ago, I've been saying that I'd like to take the old train from Stettler to Big Valley. And finally on Sunday, we went and checked it out! What a blast!
We hung out in the 'bar car' and enjoyed
some fantastic entertainment! |
The train was "robbed"! All the loot collected went to
the Alberta Children's Hospital however - nice! |
As per usual on these types of excursions, we met some really great people and had a grand old time. We were well fed, well watered, and completely entertained the entire day. It was a totally worthwhile outing!
Next on the agenda: spend time in Canmore! Hopefully this weekend will bring some biking, hiking, golfing, or all of the above! As long as I get to be outside, I don't care what we do. Love the outdoors!