Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Moving Right Along....

The first quarter of 2018 is just a few sleeps away from being over.... Although with the constant 'snowfall warnings' and sub-zero overnight temperatures that just won't quit, it is hard to fathom that April is here! Yeesh.

'April' is typically synonymous with 'spring', so I have been doing some 'spring cleaning', of everything from my over-full closet to my humongous list of memes cluttering up my phone to my abundance of mismatched cutlery. As a result, I've developed an impressive pile of clothes to deliver to the local thrift store, and the lunchroom at work should never run short of forks and knives ever again after my hefty utensil contribution! I've decided too, that I can google funny jokes on an as-needed basis... my BlackBerry is so much faster now with all of that memory freed up!

I have also been sifting through all of my camera gear, as my good friend is getting married on Friday and I'm going to pretend to be a photographer and capture some of the special moments from her big day for her. And while raiding the plethora of memory cards, I came across some pics from a trip last summer that I realized I never did blog about, and I'm not sure why. It was a fantastic mini-vacay to Seattle, where we travelled to see a Blue Jays triple-header, and along with watching some super-fun major league baseball, we walked and walked and gawked and had a stellar time!

View from the VRBO

Lobby of the VRBO - groovy!

One of the more interesting
establishments we visited....

Mmmm, who doesn't love pie!

Pre-game entertainment.

Mariners vs the Jays

We toured Starbucks head office and tasting room!

Candy shop on Capitol Hill

Punchbuggy BLUE!

THE best record shop in West Seattle!

At the top of the water tower in Volunteer Park.

How's this for a view of the city!

Scrolling through these photos reminded me of how much I heart Seattle - it is a lush, vibrant, inviting city, with such a great variety of activities available. It also reminded me that I have not been on a plane in months, and I think that needs to change, quick! LOL! Stay tuned.... I'm due for a trip real soon..... But in the mean time, everyone have a Happy Easter!


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