And... we're home! Safe and sound. And cold. Ick. Thank goodness it's only for a few weeks! The trip to Red Deer was uneventful... well, semi-uneventful... I put myself through about 12 hours of major stress when I decided to leave my passport behind at Terminal 1 of Pearson Int'l Airport... Yes folks, I "temporarily misplaced" the most important thing I own!!! Can you say DUMBASS!! Luckily I didn't lose my boarding pass, so I was able to catch the flight to Calgary, where I proceeded to make multiple phone calls back to Toronto to try and locate my most prized possession. Thankfully, it had been found and turned in right away, and for a small fee (yeah right!) it will be couriered to me sometime this week. **PHEW** I am not normally that careless, ever!! The sun and ocean must have really mushed my brain! Or at least that's the excuse I'm using. In truth, it was probably all that yummy Kweyol spiced rum I ingested (non-stop) over the past 12 days! Heh heh...
At any rate, reality is cruelly setting in... back to work in just a few hours... more Ick! But I guess until I win the lotto, that's how it has to be, right? Could be worse!