Yes, FINALLY I made it out to Lake O'Hara! I've been wanting to go there for years, and I've made many attempts to book a bus ride and I've even stopped out there on the fly a few times to see if I could ride standby... and yesterday was my lucky day!
I could not believe how beautiful it was! And the day itself was stellar - not too hot, no clouds, and of course very few people! I did a big part of the Lake O'Hara Alpine Circuit, which I highly, highly recommend - I started on the Wiwaxy Gap trail, then took the Huber Ledges trail over to Lake Oesa, then went up to the Yukness Ledges trail and took it around to the Opabin Plateau, dropped down and went to Opabin Lake, then stayed on the West Opabin trail and hooked up with the All Souls Prospect trail, which dropped down to Schaffer Lake, then took the Big Larch trail back to the ACC hut / Le Relais day shelter area. This route takes you up high, and to say the views are spectacular is an understatement!! I had such a fantastic day!
Today T-Odd, B-Rad and myself are heading into Blackfeather Canyon for some sport climbing, then I have to go back to Red Deer for my final stretch of dayshifts before another two weeks off! At which time my sister will be visiting me!! Yeah!! I am excited to see her and get her out onto some of the trails in our amazing Rockies!
Life is great! Cheers!
Lake O'Hara Alpine Circuit (except for McArthur Pass)
Time (bus to bus): 6-1/4 hrs
Distance: ~11km
Elevation Gain: 825m
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