And I'm not talking about the time zone, either... I'm talking real, live, in-the-mountains time!! This weekend I finally got to get out onto some trails, and it has been awesome! Todd has been a great sport about the whole hiking thing also. I know he'd rather be kiting, but I appreciate that he has humored me these last two days and joined me for some fresh, K-Country air. When I say 'humored', what I really mean is that he listened to me whine and complain about how out of shape and slow I am, and mostly he just made jokes about it. Thanks Sweetheart!! Hee hee.
Anyhow, we spent Canada Day on King Creek Ridge, which was steep but led to fabulous views.
Todd waiting for Cher, as per usual! |
View from near the top of the ridge. |
Todd checks out the valley and the Kananaskis Lakes. |
King Creek Ridge summit. |
Summit cairn at the north-most end of the ridge. |
Todd at the end of the ridge. |
The sun came out once in a while and we lollygagged on the nice, grassy meadow at the summit for nearly an hour before taking a different, more scenic return route. The best part of the day however was when we were almost back to the car - we came out of the trees to a frantic lady yelling "Bear!", and sure enough, we darn near walked right into a momma grizz and her two tiny cubs. We watched them for quite some time; she was gorgeous and the babes were soooo cute!
Today we drove down to Highwood Pass, since I've never been there before. We hiked the Picklejar Lakes trail to the col before you drop over down to the tarns, but instead of going down, we went up. We topped out on the start (or end?) of Lineham Ridge, which was very cool. The views were fantastic and had it not been only my second day out this year, I might have had the nerve to follow Todd further along the scrambly part of the ridge.
At the col below Lineham Ridge. |
Wicked view of three of the four Picklejar Lakes! |
The first Picklejar Lake. |
Todd descends from higher up the ridge. |
Lantern Creek Valley |
So far, it has been a stellar weekend, and tomorrow should be more of the same - I'm going to Rummel Lake with some friends from Canmore.
**SIGH** There really are few things more therapeutic, for me anyway, than being outside, wandering around in the mountains. Life.... is.... GOOD!!
King Creek Ridge
Time (car to summit): 2 hours
Distance (round trip): 8km
Elevation Gain: ~730m
Lineham Ridge (North End) via Picklejar Lakes Trail
Time (car to car): 4-1/4 hrs
Distance: ~11km
Elevation Gain: ~900m