I must say, the Australians do some cool things. They hugely promote ‘not driving when tired’... signs encouraging breaks are everywhere along the highways... and as a result, we haven’t driven more than about 20km at a time without there being a really nice rest stop available... some of them are even a few hundred meters off the road and have toilets... can you say STEALTH CAMPING!!! Oh yeah, baby! As well, most picnic areas have these really awesome electric barbeques that can be used by anyone... it is super handy for cooking, especially when the temps have been in the high 30’s and it is just too hot to cook inside the camper van.
Speaking of too hot... we are now in Nowra (near Sydney)... it was 42 degrees Celsius here today with gale-force winds... apparently there is some amazing sport climbing around here, so we are going to hit up one of the local shops tomorrow for some info. Depending on wind and weather in general, we may hang around this area for awhile. The Mambo Kite Fest is happening next weekend in Merimbula and we are likely going to attend... it is rumoured to attract over 300 kiters and windsurfers, and both Todd and I are looking forward to it!
**SIGH** I’m totally realizing how big and beautiful this country truly is, and I wish I didn’t have to leave it. I could easily entertain myself for months!! I am soooo enjoying the great people and amazing places and fantastic weather... if I didn’t get on that plane in a couple of weeks, I wonder how long it would be before anyone noticed...?? heh heh heh....
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