Well... internet is pretty much non-existent around the BVI... at least from onboard a sailboat... so I have to make this short and sweet! We set sail from Nanny Cay on Saturday, and headed over to Norman Island where we snorkeled around the rock and reef formation called The Indians and then moored at Pirate's Bight. Sunday morning, after uber practice at catching mooring balls, we sailed to Cooper Island and moored in a beautiful bay after some more fabulous snorkeling around the Wreck of the Rhone. We wrote our first test last night and we all passed! Yay!! Today has been a long day... After spending a few hours in the middle of the night, untangling our keel from the mooring ball pendant, we got up early and sailed up the Sir Frances Drake Channel, from Cooper to Virgin Gorda, and we learned how to execute the all important 'man-overboard' recovery drill. Then we went north, around Beef Island and several other small islands, and came in via the northwest passage to Marina Cay. Now we are moored here for the night, and we'll continue on around the BVI (Jost Van Dyke) and into the USVI over the next few days.
I have been finding it fairly intense; although it's not nearly as crazy and hard as I thought it was going to be! I haven't really felt seasick or anything either - we've been busy and it keeps my mind off of things. And... the best part... today we saw two sea turtles and a pod of dolphins! How lucky are we! It was awesome!
Well, the rest of the crew finally found the elusive Bushwhacker (a tropical drink) and are ordering one up at Pusser's Bar on Marina Cay as I type this... so I'm going to join them!
Sorry that there may not be many posts on this trip, but I'll do the best I can! We are having a superb time and hope all is well with everyone back home!
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