Saturday, October 30, 2010

It was a busy day!!

This morning, we got up at 6:30am to join our great new La Ventana friends for another day of fishing - and what a day it was!! Our live bait collecting (or I should say, Guadalupe's live bait collecting) was a much more fruitful event today; we ended up with more sardines and toros than we really needed... so no plastic lures were required this time!


We fished in a different spot than we did on Thursday, and it yielded us two Needlefish, two gorgeous Dorados, and an amazing striped Marlin! Yeah! What a haul! Literally - Kurt hooked the marlin, I reeled until I thought my arms were going to fall off, and then Todd finished by getting the massive fish to the boat.

Once the storage bin in the boat was full, we headed back to the beach just in time for Todd, Mike and Jen to catch a little wind. While the three of them ripped it up on the water, I combed the beach for seaglass and unique shells, and of course I came across some other interesting creatures while searching.


Well, no fishing tomorrow. But otherwise, it will be much of the same here in La Ventana - sun, sand, heat, rum... and that's in any order, repeat as required!


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