Thursday, March 30, 2017

Things that go BOOM!

Early season 'hiking' is always interesting.... Should a person take snowshoes? Maybe even skis? Should you take a chance that the trail can be done in boots?? Late March / early April outings are always a bit of a gamble, and last weekend the dice rolled in our favor - my bestest friend Toni joined me for the weekend out in Canmore and we wandered up to the always beautiful Boom Lake.

Just a bit of snow!

An absolutely gorgeous day with my BFF!

We opted to forego the snowshoes.

Stay ON the trail... the snow was pretty deep!

We made it!

Lovely, wintery, Boom Lake

The snowy adventure took us across the border into British Columbia, and the whole day was awesome - stellar weather, fantastic scenery, with one of my favorite peeps. It doesn't get much better than that!


Hiking - Boom Lake
Time (car to car): 3 hours
Distance: 11km
Elevation gain: 200m

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