Friday, March 27, 2020

Not my kinda Corona!

Wow. Just.... Wow. What an unreal turn our world has taken! It is almost like a low-budget apocalypse movie is being filmed, and the set is the entire planet. It is definitely an interesting time to be alive. Economically, we are in for a spell that I'm sure will rival the recession of the 'Dirty Thirties'. Socially, while physical isolation is doable, it is almost impossible to distance ones self from the negativity and fear-mongering that has consumed the media. The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), or something related to it, is literally EVERYWHERE.

I don't think anybody has a clear picture of what the near future holds for Canada. Guaranteed there will be thousands upon thousands of people who are ruined by what is happening, whether they suffer from the illness directly, or if they end up losing their job, etc. Consequences for the vast majority of our population are going to be life-changing to say the least.

Is the virus as horrific as it is being portrayed? Doubt it, but maybe. While I am not personally concerned that I will die if I contract it, I do not wish to be part of the problem. The problem of people not taking precautions and failing to heed the measures being put in place to try to slow down the spread of the disease. I feel like that is the biggest issue - our health care system is weak at the best of times and it simply cannot handle an overload of this magnitude. Well that, and the stupid humans who have cleared grocery store shelves of certain items.... come on people! Tsk.

At any rate, I will continue to practice 'social distancing' (I am single and I live alone, and I do not have hoards of friends, so it is not a stretch for me!), and as long as I feel healthy I will continue to show up at work (my employer is incredible and I thank my lucky stars every day that I have the job I do!). I will also continue to get outside when I can, and take photos when I can, as those two things keep me sane in this increasingly not sane world.

Stay healthy everyone!


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