Wednesday, December 2, 2020

I'm still here....

When that text message popped up on my phone a few days ago, I actually had to think hard about when my blog even last crossed my mind, much less when the last time was that I posted.... I guess it has been almost two months, hasn't it!

Things have been pretty 'meh' in my world lately, so I don't have much to write about. It could be partially that the whole C0V1D situation is catching up with me, and maybe a bit of work stress and life stress in general.... I don't know. Normally I am as resilient AF, and I'm hoping to find my misplaced rose-colored glasses soon! At any rate, I'm still kicking, and thank you my friend for checking up on me. ❤  



Anonymous said...

Ha Ha...I think the post someone sent you is cute. But WE think you have a nice step in your life which is yours to tell. So happy to see your pics again.
Stay healthy and enjoy your days. All our love the parents

Alexandra said...

Every now and then I check to see if you added a blog post. I miss seeing your beautiful photos!