Well, it's been typical fall weather... not completely sh*te, but not overly nice either. Just barely crappy enough to keep me from being super-motivated to get out and do stuff!! Ick. Oh well. Soon we will be in Australia and busy as can be, so I'm not going to beat myself up over it! Yeah!
Anyhow, this afternoon I did get my carcass outside for a few hours. I'm in Canmore and I wandered over to the hoodoos on the side of the hill above the cemetery. For the last three years, everytime I've driven across the bridge and up Elk Run Boulevard, I've muttered to myself that I really should check them out. So today I finally did! They are quite neat actually, a bit of an anomaly. The softer soil around them was eroded by the glaciers and the hoodoos were left standing. They have changed a little bit since the early 1900's, but they pretty much look the same as they did back then (there is an old photo and an interpretive sign on the trail). I took my fish-eye lens and my Lensbaby and snapped some pics of the formations, so not only did I get a bit of fresh air and exercise, I also had fun playing with my camera. Bonus!
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