Saturday, February 2, 2013

Springtime in.... February??

Holy moly! It was 6 degrees Celsius around Banff today. The sun was shining full tilt, and there was no wind whatsoever. Mother Nature is so being a tease! Because we all know she is going to turn around and clock us with another wallop of winter, and it could happen at any given time.

At any rate, I'm not complaining, and I certainly enjoyed the day!

Jody and I hiked up Johnson Canyon, out to Johnson Meadows and the Ink Pots. It wasn't super busy and again, it felt like April or something! We definitely did NOT need heavy clothes. We definitely DID need sunscreen and water. Ask Jody about the water... heh heh...
Anyhow, not sure what's up for tomorrow.... Possibly skiing, or maybe even just more hiking, since the forecast continues to be amazing! Love it!!

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